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Pay attention!

FoReGo Kft. > Hírek > Hírek > Pay attention!

Pay attention!

Pay attention!


We would like to thank your cooperation and your dedication in selective collection of waste, especially regarding used cells and batteries. The safe collection is now ensured by more than 32,000 collection banks in the whole country.

If your collection bin became full or no longer suitable in aesthetic aspects, please contact us by using one of our contact details!

INFOLINE: +36 20 56 33 333

Email: logisztika@forego.hu

E-mail: logisztika@forego.hu


Section 11 of Government Decree No. 445/2012 (XII. 29.) on the waste management activity in connection with cell and battery waste informs on the obligations of the owners of the waste:

20 § (1) The owner of the waste shall collect the cell and battery waste separately, and it shall be delivered to the beneficiary at the location of handover, or it shall be placed at a special location for collection in a bin for the sake of the management of the waste.

(2) Portable cells, button cells, and small portable batteries, particularly including cell-sized batteries, cellphone batteries, batteries used for portable computers, may be collected in collection bins. The portable cell or battery waste may also be collected in a common collection bin, regardless of the type of waste. The bin shall only be opened by the person authorized to receive and remove the waste. (3) Industrial cells or batteries, vehicle cells or batteries, and the batteries of uninterruptible power supplies which cannot be placed in waste collection bins because of their size, may be collected in bins. The container shall only be opened by the person authorized to receive and remove the waste. (4) Waste portable cells or batteries, vehicle cells or batteries, or industrial cells or batteries cannot be collected in collection bins placed in public areas. 20/A. § The merchant and the mediator may give the cell and battery waste with identity code 16 06 in accordance with the ministerial decree on the waste register, while taking the provisions of Subsection (3) of Section 13 of Act CLXXXV of 2012 on Waste into consideration, to a merchant in addition to the waste manager, for the own responsibility of the producer.

Please continue to pay a particular attention to the above obligation in the followings, and only give the cell and battery waste to employees of our company, or to the employees of our subcontractors TOLUBA Bt. and ENVIRO Trans Kft.

Looking forward to a successful cooperation in the future,

FoReGo Kft.